November 7-9th:
Mom’s Retreat with Prema Yoga:
November 15th:
One and Done: A Parenting Talk for parents of only children, 10-11:30 am in Boerum Hill. $30 per single attendee, $50 per couple or paired friends. Seating limited. Email Alice at to register.
Poor only children. Are they really doomed to become entitled brats more comfortable chatting at their parents’ dinner parties than with peers at play time? Will they grow up desperately lonely and socially inept because they don’t have siblings? Will they suffer greatly as adults when dealing with their parents aging and eventual demise? The good news is a resounding No, to all the above. Come to this talk and learn how it is possible to raise healthy, well-adjusted only children.
November 19th:
Separate Santas, presented with
A presentation for divorced or separated moms on how to manage the holidays, when old rituals of connection are upended and new approaches are called for.
Check back later for details here or at the calendar page of